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All (Wo)men Were Created Equal

Emma Logmo-Ngog

Updated: Jul 18, 2020

This article is focused on the following Sustainable Development Goal:

The Goal:

  • End all forms of discrimination against women and girls everywhere

  • Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life

  • Adopt and strengthen sound policies and enforceable legislation for the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls at all levels

  • Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and control over land and other forms of property, financial services, inheritance, and natural resources, in accordance with national laws

  • Recognise and value unpaid care and domestic work through the provision of public services, infrastructure, and social protection policies and the promotion of shared responsibility within the household and the family as nationally appropriate

In our world, there are concepts that sometimes fly over our heads. While these may very well be concepts that are acceptable to undermine, at times there are concepts that are undermined which can damage a vast majority of people. One of these concepts is gender equality.

As a young woman in a society like ours, I’ve been blessed enough to not have to experience gender bias in my life; yet, just because I have not been subjected to it, does not mean others haven’t. It is already evident in our world that women fight to be treated as equals to men— and black women even more so. Though women, in general, have a harder time finding success in a patriarchal society, black women have to fight even harder simply to reach their white, female counterparts. It is for this reason that the numerous Instagram posts on black business whether restaurants or fashion, are important to note down and support.

Being able to support a local, black-owned (or managed) business is a solution towards empowering the (black) women around us, it is only one of several solutions. I would like to personally highlight a solution I feel would be extremely beneficial towards women regardless of race, age, or social status. This solution is very well known in economics as the trickle-down effect. In essence, this is a technique used to improve society by working from the top (the wealthy) down (to the poor). I believe that using this same theory in everyday life would tremendously help empower women of all cultures and backgrounds, by promoting powerful women that then help uplift others, and moreover set an example for what younger girls could aspire to be.

I believe the trickle-down effect would be the fastest and most effective way to see improvements in gender equality. Allowing women to hold higher positions in different fields such as politics and education will enable them to have the power and status needed to elevate and empower younger, less powerful women. Having women in power will draw attention to issues that affect us daily, and yet are misconstrued or overlooked by men. In a school setting, having female heads of schools, or female members hold executive positions, allows a non-bias approach towards hiring teachers, and even as simple as putting out an image to their female students about the potential women have. It is vital that young girls have other women who look like them to look up to as an inspiration and remind them of what they too, can accomplish.

As aforementioned, this trickle-down effect would be most effective as it would benefit women in different stages of their lives. Women in entry-level jobs will be able to move up easier if other women are there to support them. Furthermore, women working in legislation can create better legislative laws pertaining to women’s welfare: including topics such as abortion or even the subsidising of women’s hygiene companies to provide to less privileged populations. The impact that this solution will have is based on the role these specific women have. Women who hold political power will obviously be able to make greater changes than a woman with a high position in a school. However, at the end of the day, both these women have the power to uphold other women, despite different extents. In this instance, both women are pulling their weight by making the change needed in the areas they can, with the power they have.

Sometimes it’s hard to grasp the true struggle women face. Statistically speaking, women are said to make up ⅔ of the 1.3 billion people living in extreme poverty. Despite the fact that women make up 75% of the world’s workforce and produce the majority of the food, women own less than 1% of the world’s property. 60% of the chronically hungry population are women and girls.

However, coming from a privileged standpoint, It may be tempting to ask why you should care, especially if you are a male. Nonetheless, an improvement in gender equality will create a domino effect and solve other pertinent issues such as education, poverty, and health. Goal 5.5 of the UN is to ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic, and public life. So it would only make sense for young girls to be given adequate resources in order to hold these positions the UN designed for them in the near future.

Once again, this Sustainable Development Goal entails ensuring the fair and equal treatment of women in every aspect of life. The first step is to put qualified women who have the capacity to hold a higher position in power. It is ignorant and unfair that women are not given the chance to do so, solely based on their gender. Placing these women in the esteemed positions they deserve will trigger the trickle-down effect, as these women can then focus on improving the well-being of fellow females. Sometimes it is possible to feel helpless in situations such as this, especially when the proposed solution does not involve direct help from teenagers or the public. What we can all do is make sure to support the women we know in our lives, from friends, mothers, aunts, and sisters. Signing petitions that involve the education of young girls like keeping them in school. If you yourself are a young woman, please keep working hard in school and any aspect of your life because change always starts with you.




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