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Gender Inequality in the Workplace.

Writer: Aliana NwokomaAliana Nwokoma

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

This article is focused on the following UN Sustainable Development Goal:

Gender inequality is a problem that can be found in many places and scenarios around the world, but in workplaces, it poses many problems. Women are not treated as equals in the working setting even though they can do as much or even more work than a man can. Though there are many problems that women are facing, there are also solutions that we can use to fix these problems.

To start, here are the issues that women face to do with gender inequalities in the workplace. The most obvious one that people tend to think about when workplace gender inequalities are brought up is unequal pay. It has been said that women earn 84 cents for every dollar that a man earns. Even though women tend to be more educated than men, they still earn less for the same amount of work. The next issue works hand in hand with the first issue. Women tend to get promoted less than men. This is caused by the lack of female higher-ups in companies that work to inspire other women. This makes it so that they keep on earning that same amount of money and keep on making less than men. The third and final issue I will cover is sexual harassment.

Around 38 percent of women have been sexually harassed in their workplace.

This sort of harassment can hinder the lifestyle of that woman and make her feel uncomfortable in her work setting. This sort of discomfort may lead her to perform worse than usual and have an even lesser chance of rising in the company.

So, what can be done? The best thing that can be done is to raise awareness of the problem so that company management can try to change their ways. By showing them what they are doing wrong, they may make an effort to change and do the right thing instead. Even if they do not change, women that were thinking about becoming a part of that company can move to a different company instead so that they have more equal opportunities. Another thing that can be done is to make promotions fairer. Managers of companies can start to equally promote women and men so long as enough people of both genders are working to the level fitting of a promotion. This way, an equal number of women and men would get promoted in the workplace setting.

Overall, gender inequalities in workplaces are a pressing problem, but with enough work, we will be able to fix it. There are steps to be taken and mindsets that need to be changed. As long as we put in the time and effort, we will be able to fix this issue.

Remember, change starts with you.


Schooley, Skye. “The Workplace Gender Gap and How We Can Close It.” Business News Daily, 3 Aug. 2022,

Wilson, Julie. “5 Top Issues Fueling Gender Inequality in the Workplace.” As You Sow, As You Sow, 23 Nov. 2021,

-, B.K. et al. (2022) 6 ways to promote gender equality at Workplace, Invensis Learning Blog. Available at: (Accessed: January 1, 2023).



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