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3 Simple Steps to Help Those in Need

Writer: ArushiArushi

This article is focused on these Sustainable Development Goals:

During this pandemic, we are not just individuals or families, neither are we national or cultural communities. We are a global society, and we need to do our best to ensure that everyone is taken care of under these circumstances. Food, approximately, accounts for 60 percent of household expenditures in low-income countries (“Hunger amid Plenty”) and presently, as a result of this pandemic, essential items (such as food) are much harder to get access to.

Moreover, with the amount of people losing jobs and daily wages accumulating, it will be highly difficult for low-income workers to afford amenities, or even basic necessities. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 820 million people were already undernourished (“Hunger amid Plenty”). And because of COVID-19, "the World Bank estimates that 40 to 60 million more people will be living in extreme poverty in coming months, depending on the scale of the economic shock," (“Hunger amid Plenty”) which puts our global community at a considerable risk.

I know that it’s difficult to directly help those in need by reason of us not having as much manpower, resources or ability as governments, multinational corporations and international organisations. Although, we do have the power to make small differences. If done by all, these small differences can, and will, turn into tremendous impacts on our global community.

Firstly, we can educate ourselves. It is essential for us to be aware about the economic impact of this pandemic on global poverty. Additionally, we can learn to empathize with people who will be experiencing these problems and understand the scale of this issue.

Secondly, we can educate others. Even though it makes a difference, just educating ourselves is merely a first step towards the full solution. Hence, we should work towards educating our communities to ensure that everyone is aware of what the problem is. We can do this with the help of digital platforms such as social media; we can let our friends and family know about the impact of COVID-19 on global poverty and tell them to do the same with their acquaintances. It is important that we keep in mind: one person can make a difference, but several communities will make a difference.

Lastly, we can donate, which is one of the ways where we can directly help the people in need. By donating money, clothes, food, or any type of essential item, we are making one life a little bit better. If we donate and persuade others to do the same with us, we will make several lives a lot better.

“When looking at the impact of the pandemic on higher poverty lines, for example the number of people living on less than $3.20 or $5.50 per day, more than 100 million people will be pushed into poverty,” (“The Impact of COVID-19”).

By taking these steps, we can contribute to the economic growth of the people living in poverty, which helps tackle the UN Sustainable Development Goal 1, No Poverty. Furthermore, various initiatives by the UN are also being taken to find a way to solve these issues: for example, as a result of this pandemic and its effects, UNDS (United Nations Development System) has switched to emergency mode, where “within the coming 12-18 months to shore up health systems, prevent a breakdown of food systems, restore and build back better their basic social services” (“Goal 1”).

Consequently, money donated to the people in need would be used mainly for necessities and essential resources such as food which will also help contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 2, Zero Hunger. Moreover, the World Food Programme’s food assistance programme is assisting over 87 million vulnerable people across the world (“Goal 2”).

Last but not least, by us reaching out to help other communities, we will be working towards creating a world where everyone has equal rights and responsibilities. Even though it may not seem like an impactful act, if we all come together to take action, we can definitely get closer to the UN Sustainable Development Goal 10, Reducing Inequalities. Also, the UN COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund aims to support low and middle-income countries. “Now is the time to stand by our commitment to leave no one behind,” the UN Secretary-General said (“Reduce Inequalities”).

Latin America & Caribbean, East Asia & Pacific and the Middle East & North Africa are all expected to have at least 10 million more people living on less than $5.50 per day (“The Impact of COVID-19”).

Including the UN, many organizations will be working towards solving this problem but help from us is necessary to reach this goal.

It may seem unrealistic. It may seem difficult. But, it is not impossible. Thus, let’s come together to do three simple things to make a big difference. By educating ourselves, educating others and donating, we can each help get closer to the United Nations sustainable development goals 1, 2 and 10. It isn’t a gesture, it’s our duty, for the sake of our global community.

Remember, change starts from you.


External Resources

Want to educate yourself more? Here are some helpful resources:

Click here to find effective ways to spread awareness.

Below is a list of credible donation sites:

Didn’t find one that you like? Click here to navigate one which satisfies your needs.



  1. “Estimates of the Impact of COVID-19 on Global Poverty.” UNU, 11 June 2020,

  2. “Goal 1: End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere – United Nations Sustainable Development.” United Nations, United Nations,

  3. “Goal 2: Zero Hunger – United Nations Sustainable Development.” United Nations, United Nations,

  4. “Hunger amid Plenty: How to Reduce the Impact of COVID-19 on the World's Most Vulnerable People.” World Bank Blogs,

  5. “Reduce Inequality within and among Countries – United Nations Sustainable Development.” United Nations, United Nations,

  6. “The Impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on Global Poverty: Why Sub-Saharan Africa Might Be the Region Hardest Hit.” World Bank Blogs,




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